Tuesday, April 28, 2015

CHAPTER SIX THE TEST OF WILLS—PRINCE CHARMING RIDES TO THE RESCUE (25th installment, Scruggs and Samantha, by Mary de la Pena)

(25th installment, Scruggs and Samantha, by Mary de la Pena)

My contest of will with Precious Princess One and Precious Princess Two had me to the point of either committing homicide or dissolving into tears—or both, when my phone rang.
“Hey,” Prince Charming said.  “I see I missed two of your calls.  Is everything all right?”
Hearing his voice was enough to bring me to tears.  “Just a minute,” I said to the girl behind the counter.  “I need to take this call.”
I stepped outside and began to cry.  “Oh, God, I am so sorry,” I sobbed.  “Twink is gone, but Scruggs is still here, and they were going to put Samantha to sleep, and if I don’t take them today they’re going to put them all to sleep, and the girl behind the desk says I have too many animals, and they can’t let me take anymore, and I don’t know what to do, and I haven’t been to court yet, and I’m so sorry I let you down, and I just can’t leave here without Scruggs and Samantha.”
The phone was so quiet I thought I had lost the connection.  I hiccupped a few more times and then asked, “Are you still there?”
A quiet sigh was my answer.
I started to talk again, but he cut me off.
“I heard you,” he said.  “Do you need me to come?”
How could I answer that question when everything seemed so far out of control for me?  It was not like me to stand in a public place and blubber like a baby.  It was not in my nature to let others stand in the way of what I wanted.  I was a fighter, not a victim.  I found solutions to problems, I didn’t give into them.  Yet there I was, drained, frightened, and feeling desperately alone.  I stood silently, unable to find the answer, knowing I needed him, but uncertain I could or should ask.
He answered for me.
“I’ll be right there,” Prince Charming said.  “Give me twenty minutes, okay?  We do have twenty minutes, don’t we?”
“Yes,” I whispered.
Twenty-three minutes later, my Prince Charming appeared, dressed in his best charcoal gray suit, white shirt, maroon tie, and gleaming white hair.  He looked every bit the warrior king ready to do battle for his fair maiden.
I stifled my tears but couldn’t help putting my head against his chest.  He placed his hands on my shoulders, gave them a quick squeeze, and then stepped around me.
“Let’s get this done,” he said in his lawyer voice, which was all the comfort I needed. As a team, we would “get this done.”  Together we were invincible!
We stepped back into the office and I pointed to the clerk that held the paperwork for Scruggs and Samantha.
My husband stepped up to the Precious Princess One, just as Precious Princess Two was joining her at her station.
“Is this the woman you were having trouble with?” she asked Precious Princess One, pointing at me.
“Yes,” she answered.  “She’s the one who wants to adopt these two animals, but she seems to have some licensing issues as well as too many animals.”
The smirk on the faces of the two young women was enough again make me want to resort to violence.  But my husband, who knew me only too well, instinctively put out a restraining arm.
In his most soothing lawyer voice, he said to them, “I think there may be a mistake.  All of our animals are current with vaccinations and licensing.  I personally spoke with Agent Tamara myself.”
I was momentarily taken aback.  Agent Tamara was a senior enforcement officer with the Humane Society.  She was a goddess at the shelter, and her name was not to be used lightly.  My husband and I had come to know her when we did an animal cruelty case together.  She came to every court appearance and we had chatted about animals.  In fact, she and my husband had been in court together the Monday after he had euthanized Alice.  He had told me how solicitous she had been at his loss.
Precious Princess One and Precious Princess Two also were momentarily stunned into silence by the use of Agent Tamara’s name.  But it was only momentarily.
Precious Princess Two, the bolder of the two, sniffed at my husband, looked him up and down, then said, “And when did you speak with Agent Tamara?  She is in court today, and then out in the field.  She’s not expected in the office until much later.”
My husband has the most charming smile, while mine can be viper-like when riled, his is charming and sweet.
He smiled at her and answered, “I know Agent Tamara is in court today.  In fact, she was in the same courtroom with me when I spoke with my wife about the trouble she was having today.  Agent Tamara seemed a little concerned and told me to tell you to call her if there was a problem.”
The eyes of both girls widened at my husband’s words.  But again, Precious Princess Two was the quicker of the two to recover.
“We don’t make calls like that, sir,” she said, her voice sliding into disrespect.  “She is much too busy for us to bother her when she is in court.”
My husband shrugged.  “Okay, then can we continue with this adoption?”
Both girls shook their heads in the negative. 
Precious Princess One answered, “I’m sorry, sir, but the computer says you have too many dogs at your address, and we can’t allow a fourth dog to go home with you.  Besides, it says here you have two Rottweilers, and a Rottweiler mix.  We don’t allow dogs to go home with adoptive families unless they bring their dogs into the shelter to see if the dogs get along.”

“We have no problem bringing our two dogs here to do a temperament check,” he answered.  “When can we set that up?”

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